The little older group grown into the big brothers of the Nursery with more maturity and understanding and a great many achievements tucked under their sleeve. They require a lot more challenges to sustain their interest in learning so the planning is definitely stimulating and interesting.
Language: By the time the children come to school they are already aware of the ‘print’, Reading is important to a child’s success at school’. Jolly phonics 1,2 & 3 is revised and book 4 is introduced. Creative Writing is an important aspect of our curriculum as preliminary to actual writing. Here the children are encouraged to draw simple representations of their observations and impressions. They identify what they have drawn to the teacher while she records. In Speaking and Listening the aim is now to improve their vocabulary, fluency and speaking complex sentences with confidence. Hence the children are provided with opportunities to develop their speech with the help of stories, logical sequencing of story cards, picture talk, role-play and audiovisual. They are encouraged to narrate stories and experiences.
A discovery is made! Everything around us has a shape and a colour. Matching and name lessons take place. Every object around us can be counted. Practical activities are the nature of Mathematics for this age group. The mathematical concept of opposites and special relationships in the environment is also an important aspect of logical learning.
Knowledge and understanding of the world is theme-oriented. These projects aim at building awareness of the world they live in. We provide for the children to enjoy concrete and scientific experiences in understanding change. They become aware of people performing certain duties and working in various fields of expertise through role-play. They classify all things around as alive or as non-living.
Personal and Social development aims at developing positive attitudes, self-esteem and confidence in their personality. Aims at developing relationships, etiquette, good manners, hygiene activities, taught through song/books and role-play. Being happy/sad, speaking softly and encouraging gentle behavior is part of the program.
Art and craft, song, dance and drama, stories and imaginative play, sounds, sights, shapes, colors, and textures are vital parts of the child’s development. Use of puppets to recreate and invent situations, is what we offer at the school. All learning takes place through creativity.
Physical Development is all about developing the gross motor skills towards independence. Hence challenging games like running races, ball skills and fun games are introduced to this age group. Swimming is a much looked forward to activity. Gardening, free play, sand play, cycling, skating, busy bees and much more activities are available for this age group.
Welcome to our prestigious Kindergarten club!