
A magical place to share, learn and have fun. Happy childhood memories start here. Happy children, carefree parents.



Beginning Of Term Three Beginning Of Term Three Beginning Of Term Three

A very warm welcome to all parents and children of The Hungry Caterpillar Primary School!  The term has begun with a lot of excitement and happiness. We welcome all the children back to school after a restful, enjoyable and productive vacation. I hope they are ready to take on activities planned for them this term.

Kindly take note of the information below for your child to comfortably fit into the routine of school.

School activities/ curriculum.
  • Our committed and caring staff is all ready and prepared for the coming term. They are always there in time to provide a warm and welcoming, learning/ teaching environment. In case of any concerns, you are welcome to discuss with the teacher or the management.
School uniform.
  • Please pack uniforms according to the timetable for Clubs and Sports and Ballet. Kindly make sure your child brings leggings and tee shirt for Ballet and sports wear for Sports. Children without proper dress code will not be allowed to participate in the activity. Also mark/ label all your child’s items for easy identification. These include sweaters, bags, snack boxes and water bottles.
Discipline at school
  • Most of our children have developed a sense of right and wrong, hence acceptable behavior amongst children is noticeable. They respond to the teacher’s instructions positively while learning and playing with others in a responsible manner. We like to work in partnership with parents in all personal, social and emotional behavior of the child in case of any disciplinary issues. 
Term Exams/ Continuous assessment.
  • Assessment is integral to successful teaching and learning. Assessment therefore reveals how far children are performing at school. Children will therefore write exams in the beginning, middle and end of term as per the regulations of UNEB.
Parents Email address/ Telephone contacts.
  • We request Parents to inform the school in case there is a change of phone numbers/email address. It is important to have the right record in case of emergencies.
Holiday Homework pack.
  • Most children complete the holiday package for the term on time; however few do not submit their work on time. Please check and encourage your child to hand in the work by next week. The new term‘s   overview / outlines will soon be sent home for Parents  to know the class  planning for the term.
Pick up time.
  • We remind parents that pick up time for PI, PII, PIII is from 3:00 – 4:00pm. Pick the child on time to have enough sleep in preparation for the next day. A child left at school has no company – he/she becomes restless and tired. Children who wait for their siblings to finish, please ensure that the children are picked up from school latest by 6:00pm. The charges for late pick up after 6:00pm will be 10,000 ush per hour.